TECH is a homeschool co-op committed to partnering with Evangelical Christian parents who are already deeply involved in their child’s education. Our families have a successful track record of homeschooling (minimum of one year), but desire the help and support that a group of like-minded families can provide one another. TECH families must have a good handle on the training and discipline of their children before they enroll them in TECH because TECH views the parent as the primary educator of the student and holds them responsible for ensuring their student’s day-to-day conduct is in accordance with the values and policies of the co-op.
Because TECH is a co-op, every member must share in responsibilities associated with its smooth operation. Nearly half our members choose to teach while the remainder participate in the supervision and administration of our bi-weekly sessions. Participation by each member is mandatory at a minimum of 40 hours of service for the year. As a homeschooling parent and a contributor to the co-op, our experience has shown that the teaching parent should not be working outside the home more than 20 hours a week for participation in TECH to work effectively.
TECH began in 2001 with a handful of families who were seeking accountability in home educating their children through the junior and senior high school years. Together they decided to pool their resources and divide the workload. As word got out, the group’s membership grew to an average of 60 families and required a significant amount of oversight. By 2004, a Board of Directors had to be established to handle the administration and weekly operation. TECH now serves between 50-60 students each year and offers around 20 classes. Over the years TECH has been blessed with committed families, energetic students, dedicated teachers and a genuine spirit of Christ-like love. It is our desire to continue in that tradition while meeting the needs of the member families.
TECH includes courses for junior and senior high school students. Your student must be 12 years old by 30 September to enter 7th grade at TECH.
There is a $150 cost for each class, plus lab or craft fees, if applicable.
A $100 registration fee is also required for each student.
Parents receive discounts for teaching!